Polluting means of transport versus non-polluting means of transport in our city - debate

20 September 2017 - 21 September 2017
Str. Pascani, nr. 9, Craiova jud Dolj
Within this activity, students will demonstrate which polluting means of transport are in use in our city, indicating the harmful effects they have on the environment. Through the debate, we are becoming aware of the need to gradually replace them with clean means of transport, and we will encourage walking, cycling and purchasing electric cars.
In cadrul acestei activitati elevii vor evidentia care sunt mijloacele poluante de transport din orasul nostru, indicand efectele nocive pe care acestea le au asupra mediului inconjurator.Prin dezbatere, vom constientiza necesitatea inlocuirii treptate a acestor mijloace poluante cu altele nepoluante respectiv vom incuraja mersul pe jos, mersul cu bicicleta si de ce nu achizitionarea de mas. elect