

Read the 2023 Impact Report


Since its launch in 2002, EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK has helped thousands of towns and cities across Europe and beyond, to raise awareness on sustainable mobility and encourage behavioural change in favour of walking, cycling and public transport.

The campaign’s 2023 impact report provides facts and figures on the benefits of the campaign in 2023. It also delves into the long-term impact of campaign activities on perceptions, attitudes and behaviour related to sustainable urban mobility.



Executive summary

Below you can find the total number of weeks of activities, permanent measures and 'Car-Free Days' that have been implemented through EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK since 2002.

Week of activities: 31,982

2023: 2,782

Organise activities that celebrate sustainable urban transport. The celebrations can take any form - from guided walks or bicycle rides to street games to public lectures. As long as the activities promote public transport, cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable mobility, they're valid.

Permanent Measures

(Find more details below)

 Implement or promote permanent infrastructure that helps people make sustainable transport choices. These ‘permanent measures’ don’t need to be expensive: the aim is to show the commitment of the town or city to sustainable urban mobility.

"Car-Free Day": 20,369

2023: 1,182

Hold a Car-Free Day event by closing one or more streets to traffic, and instead opening them to pedestrians, cyclists and public transport. This should preferably happen on 22 September to mark your town or city’s link to World Car-Free Day.

Implemented permanent measures

Below you can find the total number of permanent measures that have been implemented to date through EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK.


If you are interested in learning more about the permanent measures implemented in your town or city, click here.